11/17/14 - Weenie-Licked: Begin
11/19/14 - "his name shall be paul rudd"
11/23/14 - "BEAT MY MEAT"
11/23/14 - "check out your surroundings!"
11/24/14 - "take weenees poster down"
11/28/14 - "examine vent"
11/28/14 - "open the weenie box, empty out whatever's inside, and sit in it!"
11/28/14 - "clean the weenies"
12/04/14 - "walk to door (or elevator?) with the word 'new' flashing over it, and inspect it."
12/04/14 - "stuff Crash in MEAT SLOT and press the RED button."
12/06/14 - "Use the Pumpkin as a makeshift weenie storage device."
12/06/14 - "Go through the south door"
12/07/14 - "Examine panel thingy next to doorway"
12/07/14 - "Type in '14085' then press the red button and talk into it."
12/07/14 - "pray to Beerd and Cheezus for guidance"
12/07/14 - "Throw the key back. We don't need that shit."
12/07/14 - "crawl into box of weenies"
12/08/14 - "Type in '26' on the key pad, press the red button, and yell."
12/08/14 - "Go back to the work room and eat a weenie."
12/08/14 - "Use the dumbwaiter thing in your work area to go to the floor below your's."
12/08/14 - "use the BROTTKNOCKER on various doors and see what works"
12/09/14 - "Throw vomit covered pony against the wall and enter the bedroom"
12/09/14 - "examine outhouse"
12/09/14 - "go to toilet"
12/09/14 - "Take a massive meat dump."
12/10/14 - "go knock on outhouse door"
12/10/14 - "Speak in a different font color so he knows you're playing his game."
12/10/14 - "Throw the thrown-up fluttershy at him."
12/10/14 - "Explore and get to know surroundings, and check what planets you can see from the Shardis"
12/11/14 - "display baby grinch in hd on all of the shardis' monitors"
12/11/14 - "Play some video games and then open the WH door."
ACT 1 - 2: Welcome to Hubris
12/12/14 - "Make sure to grab one of the uniforms. then stealthily invade WH."
12/12/14 - "Sit on the throne and update social media."
12/12/14 - "look at wall with things on it, and inspect it to find out wtf it is"
12/13/14 - "Pray to Beerd in the hopes that he'd shed some light on the situation."
12/13/14 - "Draw a small companion with the ACTUAL MAGIC MARKER."
12/14/14 - "Lord Big Hank Douglas IV"
12/14/14 - "strut into the next room with utmost SWAG and DEXTERITY"
12/14/14 - "look at painting."
12/15/14 - "Meat me."
12/15/14 - "go through other door"
12/15/14 - "Look at posters and maps, explore room."
12/16/14 - "draw some food with your magic pen."
12/16/14 - "Draw a doubledown."
12/17/14 - "draw Lanky Kong with magic marker"
12/17/14 - "Use Lanky powers to extend your arms to see what's past the rubble in the other room"
12/18/14 - "grab pony on table and do those other things."
12/18/14 - "do a victory dance, toss hat up in celebration and catch it"
12/19/14 - "Play 'eenie meenie miney moe' to figure out which doorway to go through next."
12/19/14 - "Think about your dad"
12/20/14 - "check out that dildo poster"
12/20/14 - "use lanky's powers and reach in to see if you can salvage any dildos"
12/20/14 - "tell Douglas and Mini-Crash that You are 'simply doing GOD'S WORK.'"
12/21/14 - "go to the room across the hall"
12/21/14 - "Examine the large painting of Beerd, wishing you could carry it with you."
12/22/14 - "Gaze at/out the window on the far right wall."
12/23/14 - "beat your meat to the image of emperor span"
12/23/14 - "use your weenie to break the window"
12/23/14 - "Check out the room at the south of the hall"
12/27/14 - "Examine all four offices."
12/31/14 - "ask what happened to the land of Within Hubris"
01/03/15 - [$]Rudd: Inquire
01/07/15 - "Ask if there's anything you could do to help. A quest, maybe."
01/08/15 - "Before you leave, steal a pony from Wolf's room, and steal a weapon from the SPAEC MEHREEN room."
01/09/15 - "I get the feeling we should ransack Soul Limiter's place for stuff."
01/10/15 - "Go examine and look behind the poster and the map."
01/11/15 - "Push the button. Nothing bad can happen with an immediate influx of drama.. right?"
01/13/15 - "use lanky arms to reach back to whatever room chuckles is in and slap him"
01/14/15 - "I ran out of toilet paper."
01/16/15 - "draw the qt country girl of Paul's dreams with the magic marker."
01/17/15 - "sacrifice girl of your dreams to beerd"
01/19/15 - "Ask your girlfriend what her name is."
01/20/15 - "pray to beerd for new marker"
01/20/15 - "Derail the plot, then advance it."
01/22/15 - "Walk down the catwalk with the utmost swag and dexterity."
01/22/15 - "enter "moogen is a coc lel""
01/23/15 - "Take that shit and wear it like a hat."
01/27/15 - "Roll a d20 to see if you sense danger."
02/06/15 - "You aren't the hardest pony I've ever seen."
02/08/15 - "go right"
02/11/15 - "put majoras mask on its crotch"
02/11/15 - "try in vain to fix beerds portrait"
02/13/15 - "doodle something crude amongst the weird numbers"
02/15/15 - "hold majoras mask up to the writings."
02/16/15 - "get dawn to smack that shit out of the sky"
02/17/15 - "uh, what do we have in our infinitory again?"
02/21/15 - "Cut to a commercial break and advance the plot off screen"
02/21/15 - [ADVERTISE]
02/22/15 - END OF ACT 1
02/28/15 - ASIDE - JEFFORY
02/28/15 - ASIDE - COC/ROSEY
02/28/15 - ASIDE - CHUCKLES
02/28/15 - ASIDE - PAUL RUDD
02/28/15 - ASIDE - CRASH
02/28/15 - ASIDE - ???
Intermission 1: Abram the Fucking Nerd
03/03/15 - INTERMISSION 1
03/06/15 - "check your computer"
03/09/15 - "read the note tacked right above your doorknob!"
03/10/15 - "leave a message on your wall for him in case he tries to do it again"
03/12/15 - "BEAT MY MEAT"
03/13/15 - "rip the poster off the wall and make a paper airplane to throw up the ex-stairs"
03/13/15 - "Pray to 'Cheezus', a god you just make up in your mind like five seconds ago"
03/17/15 - "Check inventory"
03/18/15 - "throw the paper airplane at the beamos' eye"
03/21/15 - "Crush some of the pills with the knife, make lines, then snort them."
03/25/15 - "transform one of your fingers into a lock picking device"
04/02/15 - "observe surroundings"
04/06/15 - "make your way down field"
04/10/15 - "'spencer is such a nerd lel'"
04/11/15 - "Use your AIR JORDANS to leap up and punch the eye at the top of the door."
ACT 2 - 1: VG-INC
04/14/15 - ACT 2: VG-INC
04/14/15 - "AMY ADAMS"
04/14/15 - "Go to sleep."
04/16/15 - "open the chest"
04/17/15 - "examine creepy bs"
04/17/15 - "Wear it"
04/17/15 - "Examine the new room."
04/21/15 - "look out the window"
05/06/15 - "flick a magic bean at the door and hope that something good happens"
05/19/15 - "MEAT MY BEET"
05/22/15 - "where else you can reach through the vents?"
05/25/15 - "Take the mask in one way or another"
06/07/15 - "Use the Force."
08/20/15 - "Flee, flee as far as you can manage"
09/26/15 - "But yeah ask them if they have a flamethrower"
10/23/15 - "Trust them."
04/01/16 - Weenie-Licked: End
03/06/18 - To Be Continued...