02/08/19 - Begin
02/08/19 - "Andy Spiff"
02/08/19 - "Creating and listening to musics"
02/08/19 - "behind that weird outhouse"
02/08/19 - "yeah, the one thats been locked ever since you got here and is impossible to open"
02/08/19 - "knock on the door and scream"
02/08/19 - "look through the hole in the door"
02/08/19 - "Wield one of those weird floating "C"s as a self defense weapon."
02/08/19 - "use it to pry open the outhouse"
02/08/19 - "check your handy reminder-minder device to see who you need to deliver this stuff too."
02/09/19 - "Wonder why your blackberry phone doesn't say blackberry at the top."
02/09/19 - "Were is the package?"
02/10/19 - "go inside to explore"
02/10/19 - "Wield the strange object like an assault rifle to increase intimidation if needed"
02/10/19 - "Prop your penis up on your strange object."
02/11/19 - "ok cool, now use it to do some DEEP DIVE EXPLORING."
02/11/19 - "Check out the light coming from your right. Also be careful not to get a splinter."
02/11/19 - "No, ignore the splinter for now, and dive head first into that light like a man."
02/11/19 - Next
02/11/19 - Next
02/11/19 - Next
02/11/19 - Next
02/13/19 - "Hop inside your trusty ship"
02/13/19 - "is that a SNES? what games you got, could come in handy to know later."
02/13/19 - "Ok so, lets take over Mugen for a second, and stop being Spiff."
02/16/19 - "Suddenly someone appears and calls Spiff gay"
02/19/19 - "try to blast off in your ship"
06/02/19 - Next
06/03/19 - Next
06/08/19 - Next
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.
00/00/19 - Coming Soon.